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Complex of memorials to Uzeyir Hajibayov
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  • Address:
    Uzeyir Hajibayli, Sumgayit, AZ5001

Uzeyir Hajibayov"s monument complex - Construction works in the monument complex located in the street named after Azerbaijani composer of genius Uzeyir Hajibayov in Sumgait city started in 2009 and ended in 2010. Width of the avenue on which the monument complex is located amounts to 23 meters, while the length of the territory is 61 meters.A total of 1 340 sqm area has been renovated, of it 740 sqm territory has been laid out with tamet. In the greenery areas mostly meadows, decorative trees and bushes have been planted, benches have been assembled. Modern lightening system is set in the territory. Total height of U.Hajibayov"s monument designed by Wagif Nazirov, head painter of the Sumgait city, is 12 meters, while the size of pedestal seat is 7.5 x 7.5 m. Pedestal is piano-shaped and its surface has been built form black facet. The rising part symbolizes the organ pipes.Bronze bas-relief, which is 5 meters high, has a ring-shaped background made from white marble. On the contrary side, cast bronze images of our national musical instruments, i.e. Tar, Kaman and Gaval has been represented.



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