Number of articles in Wikipedia Azerbaijan top 100,000

The number of articles on Wikipedia Azerbaijan has exceeded 100,000.

Wikipedia Azerbaijan was launched at in 2004. Around 70,000 people have registered with Wikipedia Azerbaijan so far. The Wikipedia in Azerbaijani language ranks 50th among encyclopedias in other languages.

The articles of only nine countries have reached one million. Wikipedia in English is considered the richest Wikipedia worldwide with the number of articles totaling 4.5 million. The number of articles in Italian, German, Portugal, Spanish, Netherlands, Sweden and Polish languages has exceeded one million.

CIS countries have better ratings in Wikipedia. There are more than one million articles in Russian, 482,000 articles in Ukrainian and 203,000 articles in Kazakh language. As to South Caucasus, there are 80,000 articles in Georgian and over 100,000 articles in Armenian.

Wikipedia Azerbaijan held I National Wikipedia Forum on 10 March, 2014. The forum was attended by well-known Wikipedia experts, NGO representatives and young scholars.

The forum aimed to bring together experts in this field, to exchange opinion on current state of Wikipedia Azerbaijan, to discuss ways to solve problems, to develop an action plan and a packet of proposals aimed at developing Wikipedia.
